However, since the scale for the wilderness map is drawn at a scale of one square = 100 yards, the lowest contour line on the wilderness map corresponds to the 100 foot contour line on the map of the Caves of Chaos. The height of the contour lines is unclear.* They indicate 25 foot increments on the map of the Caves of Chaos, which is drawn at a scale of one square = 10 feet. *see movement outdoors, as given the AD&D 1e Players Handbook, page 102 A fully armored man would be one-third slower, and a fully armored man, heavily loaded, two-thirds slower.* However, since the scale on the map is given as one square = 100 yards, and there are 1760 yards in a mile, the movement rate should probably be increased to 18 squares per hour searching, 54 walking (for an unarmored, unencumbered man). Walking is done in the forest at 2 squares per hour.' Since a 'league' originally referred to the distance a person could walk in one hour, and an English league is 3 miles, one would expect a scale of one square = 1 mile. Walking in the fens is at the rate of 1 square per hour. Scale: one square = 100 yards.Ī few observations regarding the wilderness map:Īccording to the module 'The normal movement rate is 1 square per hour searching, 3 walking.
Wilderness Map from module B2 'The Keep on the Borderlands'.